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3 Ways LASIK Helps If You Work From Home
Posted by: Georgia Eye Associates in LASIK

Considering getting LASIK? It’s a great choice!
You’ll be glad you did. No more glasses and contact prescriptions to worry about. No more contact solution purchases, or dealing with the endless cycle of cleaning off your glasses.
Getting LASIK will improve your quality of life. This is especially true if you work from home. Keep reading for 3 ways LASIK helps if you work from home!
1. Easier Recovery
LASIK recovery takes up to a month to complete. In the first few days, you’ll need to rest and stick to only light activities. Recovering from LASIK is easier if you work from home.
You should limit how much driving you’re doing, at least at the beginning of the recovery process. Working from home means you don’t have a daily commute.
You definitely don’t have to worry about hectic rush hour traffic, either! Driving is something that you’ll be able to do once you’re cleared by your doctor.
Moderate computer work and reading are fine in the immediate few days post LASIK. This is the usual work activity for those who work remotely from their home office.
2. Easier to Focus on Your Computer Screen
Your computer screen omits something called blue light. Blue light is a form of artificial UV light.
It has its advantages but it can also harmful to your eyes in large amounts. It is also hard to focus on if you wear certain contacts. After having LASIK, you’ll no longer need to deal with the frustration of glasses or wearing contact lenses.
This means no more added costs to see and focus on your computer screen. You can spend your money on something else like succulents to brighten up your desk or cute sunglasses!
You may want to consider buying a pair of blue-light blocking glasses since you’ll still be looking at computer screens after having LASIK.
3. Reading Without Glasses or Contacts
Most people who work from home spend a lot of their time reading documents. LASIK means that you will not need any glasses or contacts to read. This includes reading glasses.
Imagine how much easier it will be to focus on the small print of your word documents when you don’t need glasses or contacts.
No more trying to find your glasses that always seem to get misplaced. No more fumbling with contact lenses that dry out your eyes.
Getting LASIK means simplifying your work from home life. That simplicity is worth the cost and recovery process of LASIK.
Determining if You Are a LASIK Candidate
Not everyone is a candidate for LASIK. Having large pupils, or a thin cornea can affect the effectiveness of the procedure.
Certain eye conditions like dry eye syndrome can affect the LASIK recovery process. Your eyes must be healthy enough to undergo and recover from the procedure.
Your eye doctor can determine if you are a candidate for LASIK.
The first step to finding out if you’re a good candidate for LASIK is to schedule a LASIK consultation.
Schedule yours at Georgia Eye Associates in Atlanta, GA now!
Why wait if you work from home and glasses and contact lenses are driving you crazy? There’s a better way!
Tags: Georgia Eye Associates, LASIK Atlanta, LASIK Buckhead, LASIK Eye Surgery Atlanta, LASIK Eye Surgery Buckhead