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Your Eyelashes Are More Than Just For Beauty
Posted by: Georgia Eye Associates in News

Eyelashes are not just a popular beauty trend. Eyelashes protect the eyes from debris, infection, or injury. Did you know that eyelashes have a natural growth cycle every six to ten weeks when they replace themselves after you lose a few? According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, losing between one and five eyelashes a day is customary. A rapid lash loss, known as madarosis, could be an underlying health problem in the eye or another body part.
What Are Common Causes of Eyelash Loss
- Irritation from cosmetics. Leaving eye makeup too long, using and removing lash extensions, and using eyelash curlers (heated or non-heated) can all harm lashes and speed up shedding. Eyelash loss can also stem from allergies to mascara and from glue used to apply eyelash extensions.
- Blepharitis. Itchiness or burning accompanied by redness or swelling of the lids may indicate blepharitis. Blepharitis is a condition that happens when clogged oil glands near the base of the eyelashes cause chronic inflammation and problems in the eyelash follicles.
- Trichotillomania. Trichotillomania is when emotional or psychological distress causes a person to pull out their eyelashes habitually.
- Skin cancer. More rarely, a localized lash loss can be a symptom of skin cancer on the eyelid. Cancer can interrupt eyelash growth as harmful cells spread.
Other causes of lash loss include chronic or recurrent styes and chalazia, ocular rosacea, or bacterial or fungal infections in one or both eyes.
How To Prevent Eyelash Loss?
- Keep your lashes healthy – by washing your face and eyelids daily with gentle soap and water.
- A healthy diet that includes proteins, fruits, vegetables, and sufficient iron will help with the health and maintenance of long, full eyelashes.
- Magnetic or glued lashes can irritate the sensitive skin around the eyes or dip into the eye and scratch the cornea if not applied properly. To reduce the likelihood of possible complications, wear false lashes for special occasions only, and make sure to have a professional do it.
Eyelash Makeup Safety Tips
- Throw away eye makeup after three months and buy new products.
- If an eye infection develops, toss all your makeup and don’t use makeup until the infection is gone.
- If lashes are clumped together by mascara or another product, don’t use anything sharp to separate the lashes – this can easily poke or scratch your eye.
- Remove all eye makeup nightly before sleeping, especially mascara that can stick to the lashes. If not removed properly, eye makeup can irritate the eye.
- Vaseline is a very effective eye makeup remover. It is lubricating, soothing to the skin, and helps eye makeup slide off without unnecessary tugging and pulling.
Look Great, and Stay Safe
We have all heard that beauty is pain, but we want our patients to stay safe while looking their ultimate best. If you have experienced any irritation, swelling, redness, or other symptoms around your eyes, we are here to ensure your eyes stay healthy.
We want to help our patients keep their eyes healthy while looking their best!

References: American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Optometric Association. This blog provides information and discussion about eye health and related subjects. The content provided within this blog and any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered medical advice. If the reader or any person has a medical concern, they should consult with an appropriately licensed physician.