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What Are The Signs Of Retinal Detachment?
Posted by: Georgia Eye Associates in Retina

Our eyes are windows to our health, impressive complex organs that need special attention. We like to empower our patients with a wealth of knowledge on their eye health, and we would like to discuss today’s retinal detachment. According to the British Journal of Ophthalmology, Retinal Detachment is a sight-threatening condition that affects 1 in every 300 people at some point in their lives. It is most common in people in their 60s and 70s, affecting males more often than females.
How Does The Retina Work?
The retina is the part of the eye that converts light into signals that go to the brain so we can see. When light hits the retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye), special cells called photoreceptors turn the light into electrical signals.
What is Retinal Detachment?
According to the National Eye Institute, retinal detachment is an eye problem that happens when your retina is pulled away from its normal position at the back of your eye. The most common cause is when a hole develops in the retina and fluid from the eye creeps between the two layers, but it can also be a complication of the eye’s trauma or infection. Retinal detachment needs to be treated immediately because it leads to permanent vision loss in the affected eye.
Can Anyone Get A Detached Retina?
The risk of retinal detachment in a healthy individual is rare. Risk factors for a retinal detachment include the following:
- Family history of retinal detachment
- A serious eye injury
- Previous history of retinal detachment
- Thinning of the retina is called lattice degeneration
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Extreme nearsightedness (myopia)
If you are concerned about your risk for retinal detachment, talk with your eye doctor.
Symptoms of Retinal Detachment
Retinal detachment is usually not painful. Symptoms of retinal detachment typically consist of seeing flashing lights or floating spots in the vision or an overall decrease in vision. Patients sometimes describe the decrease in vision as a “curtain” or veil coming down into their field of vision. However, some patients don’t experience any symptoms at all.
Listed below is a Retinal Detachment Vision Simulator

Don’t Delay or Deny Your Eye Exam
Routine eye exams can help prevent small asymptomatic retinal holes, tears, and detachments from progressing. Also, please always wear eye protection when performing high-risk activities such as sports, using power tools, and working in the yard.
We Are Here To Help You Keep Your Eyes Healthy!

References: American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Optometric Association, American Society of Retina Specialists, National Eye Institute The content is researched and vetted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Optometric Association, and British Journal of Opthalmology. This newsletter provides information and discussion about eye health and related subjects. The content provided within this newsletter and any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered medical advice. If the reader or any person has a medical concern, they should consult with an appropriately licensed physician